A new American action movie titled Wrong Place was directed by Mike Burns, based on a story by Bill Lawrence, and produced by Randall Emmett and George Furla. Bruce Willis and Ashley Greene are the stars of the film. The movie is scheduled to premiere tomorrow, July 15, 2022.
The movie centers on Frank (Bruce Willis), a former police chief of a small town, who is being pursued by a methamphetamine kingpin who wants to prevent him from providing eyewitness testimony against his family. However, when the meth cook threatens to harm Frank's daughter (Ashley Greene), he finds himself up against more than he bargained for .
The film stars Ashley Greene as Chloe Richards, Bruce Willis as Frank Richards, Michael Sirow, Texas Battle, Stacey Danger, and Massi Furlan.
Bruce Willis agreed to star in the action movie Wrong Place in 2021, and production got started later that year. Director Mike Burns, who previously helmed the Bruce Willis movie Out of Death, made the following statement in March 2022: "before filming commenced on Wrong Place in 2021, I asked one of Willis's associates how the actor felt and was told he was much better than last year. I took the associates' word for it, but soon realized that Willis was worse. After I finished filming, I said, 'I'm done. I won't make another movie with Bruce Willis.' I'm relieved that he's on vacation." Wrong Place will be o ne of the final movies in which Willis appears in. After receiving an aphasia diagnosis, he has decided to stop acting.